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Blackjack Codingbat Solution

Codingbat Blackjack Solution, juegos gratis slotomania slot machines, flowing water casino promotions, white glove society slots. CodingBat Java Logic-2 blackjack Given 2 int values greater than 0, return whichever value is nearest to 21 without going over. Return 0 if they both go over. Blackjack (19, 21) → 21. Practice your Python skills with online programming challenges. Automatic solution checking. Hints and sample solutions.

  1. Blackjack Codingbat Solutions
  2. Codingbat Blackjack Solution
  • If you've ever tried to teach yourself programming and couldn't quite get going, then these assignments are for you. Refined over fifteen years, these are the assignments I have used to teach the basics of Java to nearly 2,000 ordinary public school students over my career.
  • I am talking about a Blackjack Cheat Sheet pdf for dummies that can help you play like you are supposed to. Download it, print it, memorize it, and use to play your games.
Logic-2 >

Blackjack Codingbat Solutions

blackjackBlackjack codingbat solutions
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Given 2 int values greater than 0, return whichever value is nearest to 21 without going over. Return 0 if they both go over.

blackjack(19, 21) → 21
blackjack(21, 19) → 21
blackjack(19, 22) → 19

...Save, Compile, Run (ctrl-enter)

Forget It! -- delete my code for this problem

Progress graphs:
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Random user progress graph for this problem
Random Epic Progress Graph

Java Help

  • Java String Introduction (video)
  • Java Substring v2 (video)
  • If Boolean Logic Example Solution Code 1 (video)
  • If Boolean Logic Example Solution Code 2 (video)

Misc Code Practice

  • Introduction to Mod (video)
  • MakeBricks problem and solution (video x 2)
  • FizzBuzz the famous code interview question (video)

Codingbat Blackjack Solution


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Codingbat blackjack solution





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Notes to read / Homework

15/09Inroduction. Gr 11 reviewJava Review Cheat Sheet
9.0901_DMOJRead Java Review Cheat Sheet Section 1 - 19 questions
Question 1: CCC '12 J2 - Sounds fishy!
Question 2: CCCHK '08 J2 - Lucky Number
29/09Gr 11 review
13.0901_DMOJRead Java Review Cheat Sheet Section 21-26 questions
Solve 3.5 questions: Victoria Park Programming Contest for Beginners
311/09Pseudocode. JETS. Flow charts.Sorting algoriths.pseudocode-in-exams.pdf
Homework: Textbook. Chapter 4. pp.174-183.
4,5,623-19/09 Pseudocode. Flow charts. Review Java Grade 11.DynamicArrays_ArrayLists.docHomework: Textbook. Chapter 4. All pages.
723/09Array Lists. Collections. Pseudocode. Big O notation.ICS4U_Chapter4_Highlights.docx
Homework: Textbook. Chapter 4. pp.174-183.
825/09 Pseudocode. 2D_array_GanttChart_IB_ICS4U.docx
Homework: Textbook. Chapter 4. All.
927/09Review OOPOOP_01_Objects_Constructors.doc
Textbook. Chapter D2. pp.312-318.
101/10 Test 1 Part A (club fair)
Homework: Textbook. 312-318.
113/10 Test 1 Part B

127/10UML diagrams, Inheritance, Aggregation, and DependencyUML diagrams_practice.docx
UML diagrams_practice.docx
Text book: 294-308
139/10GUI reviewA folder GUI/Layouts is posted in the pickUp areaHomework:
Create a JFrame and 2 JPanels. One panel should be intro/menu pannel; second panel should have GUI components. Use Layouts to place JTextFields, JButtons, JLabels, and so on.
1315/10Actions: Action Listeners, Mouse Listeners, Key ListenersHomework:Add actions(button click, mouse listener, key listener, and so on) to your Frames/Panels. Make sure you have several GUI components - frames should look like your IA project.
14-19Oct 17, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31Test analysis, GUI ProjectGUI_Project_2020.docxHomework:GUI project
21Nov 5GUI Project analysis, DatabasesDatabases for beginners.pdfHomework:Databases. COntinue to work on IA project
227/11JTable, OO test practiceExample in the pick up folder
2311/11Databases, ODBC in the pick up folder
Homework: Create a dabase. Access it from Java application.
Prepare for the test 2 OOP.
2413/11Test 2 OOP
15/11PA day
2519/11System Fundamentals 1.1.1-1.1.71_1_1_7_SystemFundamentals.pptx - pick up folder
Topic 1 Systems in organisationsNotes.docx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 1-12
Online quiz
Video on youtube (all or from 10.23 to 26:40 )
2621/11System Fundamentals 1.1.8-1.1.14; 1.2.11_8_1_14.pptx - pick up folder
Topic 1 Systems in organisationsNotes.docx - continue pick up folder
Textbook: pages 13-23
Online quiz
System Fundamentals - Part 3 the rest
System Fundamentals - Part 4
System Fundamentals - Part 1
System Fundamentals - Part 2
2725/11Quiz 1. Test 2 Analysis. TestAnalysis_OOP_test2.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: review pages 1-41
Youtube videos listed for the previous class(21/11).
2827/11System Fundamentals 1.2.1 - 1.2.8 Was coverd on November 23rd. insteaf of 1.1.8-1.1.14
System Fundamentals 1.2.9 - 1.2.16
1_2_1_1_2_8.pptx - pick up folder
1_2_9_1_2_16.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 41-57
Youtube videos listed for the previous class(21/11).
2929/11Computer Organization 2.1.1-2.1.32_1_1__2_1_3.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 61-68
Computer Organization - Part 1
Computer Organization - Part 2
303/12Computer Organization 2.1.4-2.1.102_1_4__2_1_10.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 68-102
Computer Organization - Part 1
Computer Organization - Part 2
315/12Network 3.1.1-3.1.43_1_1_3_1_4.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 124-145
Networks - Part 1
Networks - Part 2
329/12Network 3.1.5-3.1.113_1_5_3_1_11.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 148-155
Networks - Part 3
33,34,3513,17,19 /12Computer Organization 2.1.9-2.1.14. Binary numbers, Logic Gates, Truth Tables, Logic EquationsBooklet
Textbook: pages 86-123
Booklet: pages 1-48
367/01Network 3.1.9-3.1.10, 3.1.12-3.1.17(on your own)3_1_9__3_1_16___4_2_8.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 152-171
379/01Quiz on Topic 3 - Networks; Stacks and Queues5_1_4__5_1_8.pptx - pick up folder
HL Textbook: pages 7-22, and 44-45.
Homework I: Programming problem to submit: bracket balancing using stacks.To Submit: Java code and pseudocode
Balancing brackets_HomeworkResources.docx
Homework II: infix <--> prefix<--> postfix. Handout distributed in class. Additional examples and explanations are here:
InfixPostFix_Handout_withHomework.docx and solutions
I. HL Textbook: pages 5-6, Handout 'Recursion 1' in the pick up folder
II: Write a java code website. any 3 from Recursion 1 section, any 3 from Recursion 2 section.
4015/01Recursion 2. Recursion and Graphics. In the pick up folder:
Recursion 2.doc
Programs: Tree. Tower of Hanoi - at the end of 'Recursion 2' document.
4117/01Recursion for IA. Traicing practice. Merge sort.In the pick up folder:
Programs: Write merge sort program. Pass an array populated with random numbers, sort if with merge sort and display.
4221/01No Test. Stay home and study.
4329/01Marks review day. Word scrambler with recursion Homework:
Write word scrambler program. Use recursion. You can try it on
4331/01Linked Lists. Doubly Linked Lists. Trees. 5_1_12_5_1_15.pptx

Homework: textbook pp.23-29- review Queues and Stacks
textbook pp.30-38
443/02Binary Trees. Bianry Search Trees. 5_1_16__5_1_17.pptx

Homework: textbook pp.39- 55
455/02BST implementation. ADT: advantages/disadvantages. Chapter 5 review. 5_1_18__5_1_20.pptx

Homework: textbook - End of chapter examples pp.56- 66
Update BST we created in class. Add
1) removing a node which has a particular data( search for the node first).
2) find minimum vlaue of the tree
467/02Catch Up day. IA

4711/02Test Topic 4 and 5

48Feb.13 Topic 6 and Topic 7. 6_1_1__6_1_3.pptx

Power-point files are in the pick-up folder.
49Feb.19 Topic 7 Cont. Case study case_study_2020.pdf

Power-point files are in the pick-up folder.
Read 2020 case study. Pick one term from the list of terms of the 2020 case study. Submit the definition and explain it to the class.

2018-2019 year
1-76, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24/09Inroduction. Gr 11 reviewJava Review Cheat Sheet
826/09Test 1
928/09Pseudocode. JETS. Flow charts.pseudocode-in-exams.pdf
Homework: Textbook. Chapter 4. pp.174-195.
102/10Sorting algoriths.Flow chartsSortingAlgorithms.docx
Homework: Textbook. Chapter 4. pp.196-230.
114/10Review OOP 1CardMethods.txt
(Same as last class)Methods_ArrayTraicingPractice.docx
(Same as last class)Textbook. Chapter 4. pp.196-230.
(new)Start working on Black Jack Assignment
1210/10Review OOP 2OOP_01_Objects_Constructors.doc
Textbook. Chapter D2. pp.312-318.
Continue working on Black Jack Assignment
Textbook. pp.218-219 and 256-289.
PseudoCode Homework Practice
1416/10Black Jack ProjectBlack JackProject.doc
Create at least 2 classes for the BlackJack project
1518/10UML diagrams, Inheritance, Aggregation, and DependencyUML diagrams_practice.docx
Continue working on BlackJack project
Finish IA Part A: Planning. Due on October 22!!!!
Text book: 291-312
1622/10IA Part A: Planning due. Work Period. Black Jack Project.IA_Assessment_criteria.doc
A Planning_Sequence_and_CheckMarks.docx
Check next tab Gr12 IB Demo for word count and format guidelines.(table on the buttom of the page)
Continue working on BlackJack project
Text book: 291-316
1724/10GUI review2 folders(02_Layouts, 03_MoreLayouts) and a file(01_GUI 1.doc) are posted in the pickUp areaHomework:
Create a Frame/Pannel similar to your IA
1826/10GUI eventsTest is moved to October 30 due to Robotics tripHomework:
Finish Black Jack which is due October 30st
Add a Button click event to your GUI exercise
1930/10Events: Mouse listenersHomework:
Continue working on your GUI project
202/11OOP TestHomework:
Continue working on your IA (GUI part)
216/11BlackJack analysisHomework:
Continue working on your IA (GUI part)
228/11Test 2 back. Events: Keyboard ListenerHomework:
Continue working on your IA (GUI part)
Link to ComboBox examples ( for Talia)
Link to example on how to add ImageIcon to a label ( for Manasha)
Continue working on your IA (GUI part + database part)
2520/11System Fundamentals 1.1.1-1.1.71_1_1_7_SystemFundamentals.pptx - pick up folder
Topic 1 Systems in organisationsNotes.docx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 1-12
Online quiz
Video on youtube (all or from 10.23 to 26:40 )
2622/11System Fundamentals 1.1.8-1.1.14; 1.2.11_8_1_14.pptx - pick up folder
Topic 1 Systems in organisationsNotes.docx - continue pick up folder
Textbook: pages 13-23
Online quiz
System Fundamentals - Part 3 the rest
System Fundamentals - Part 4
System Fundamentals - Part 1
System Fundamentals - Part 2
2826/11System Fundamentals 1.2.1 - 1.2.8 Was coverd on November 23rd. insteaf of 1.1.8-1.1.14
System Fundamentals 1.2.9 - 1.2.16
1_2_1_1_2_8.pptx - pick up folder
1_2_9_1_2_16.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 41-57
Youtube videos listed for the previous class(22/11).
2930/11Computer Organization 2.1.1-2.1.32_1_1__2_1_3.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 61-68
Computer Organization - Part 1
Computer Organization - Part 2
303/12Computer Organization 2.1.4-2.1.102_1_4__2_1_10.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 68-102
Computer Organization - Part 1
Computer Organization - Part 2
31,32,336,10,12 /12Computer Organization 2.1.9-2.1.14. Binary numbers, Logic Gates, Truth Tables, Logic EquationsBooklet
Textbook: pages 86-123
Booklet: pages 1-48
3414/12Network 3.1.1-3.1.43_1_1_3_1_4.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 124-145
Networks - Part 1
Networks - Part 2
3518/12Network 3.1.5-3.1.113_1_5_3_1_11.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 148-155
Networks - Part 3
3620/12Network 3.1.9-3.1.10, 3.1.12-3.1.173_1_9__3_1_16___4_2_8.pptx - pick up folder
Textbook: pages 152-171
378/01Quiz on Topic 3 - Networks; Stacks and Queues5_1_4__5_1_8.pptx - pick up folder
HL Textbook: pages 7-22, and 44-45.
Homework I: Programming problem to submit: bracket balancing using stacks.To Submit: Java code and pseudocode
Balancing brackets_HomeworkResources.docx
Homework II: infix <--> prefix<--> postfix. Handout distributed in class. Additional examples and explanations are here:
InfixPostFix_Handout_withHomework.docx and solutions
3810/01Stacks and Queues implementation. Evaluation of postfix expressions
I. HL Textbook: pages 23-29,
II: Write a java code to evaluate postfix expression. You can update my program that converts in-fix into post-fix (in the InfixPostFix_Handout.doc) by adding evaluation method.
III. 2D array practice
I. HL Textbook: pages 5-6, Handout 'Recursion 1' in the pick up folder
II: Write a java code website. any 4 from Recursion 1 section, any 2 from Recursion 2 section.
4016/01Recursion 2. Recursion and Graphics. In the pick up folder:
Recursion 2.doc
Programs: Tree. Tower of Hanoi.
4118/01Linked List. Review for the test. Short day.Homework:
Programs: Tree. Tower of Hanoi.
4222/01Test. Recursion. Stacks. Queues.

434/02Linked Lists (Cont..) Doubly Linked Lists. Trees.

434/02Linked Lists (Cont..) Doubly Linked Lists. Trees. 5_1_12_5_1_15.pptx

446/02Binary Trees. Bianry Search Trees. 5_1_16__5_1_17.pptx

448/02BST implementation. ADT: advantages/disadvantages.

Update BST we created in class. Add removing a node which has a particular data( search for the node first).
45-49Feb.12,14, 18,20, and 22 Topic 6 and Topic 7.

Power-point files are in the pick-up folder.
5026/02Controls System. Case study.

Read CaseStudy2019.pdf
Prepare explanation/definition of one of the terms for case study.
5128/02Case study: Definitions.

Prepare one question for the case study discussion.
524/02Case study: Defintions. Alghorithms.

Learn about load balancing algoriths.
Find information about 'source IP hash'.
Read and analyze the article “London Ambulance CAD failure”
Link to IA List